Al Davis(戴维斯)1969年开始从事宠物美容,从小的宠物店开始,经过13年的实践后,于1982年成立了DAVIS公司,如今DAVIS的产品在研发、生产、销售方面都颇具规模,产品畅销日本、韩国、西班牙、美国、澳大利亚、意大利、英国、德国、加拿大、南非、法国、中国等30多个国家。
Al Davis began to engage in pet cosmetology in 1969. After 13 years of practice in small pet stores, he founded DAVIS in 1982. Today, the products of DAVIS have a considerable scale in research, processing and distribution. They are popular in Japan, Korea, Spain, the United States, Australia, Italy, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, South Africa, France, China and more than 30 countries.